participants’ work
The photographs presented in this section are the final outcome of each workshop.
Their creators range from professional photographers to people who may have just learned how to hold a camera.
The challenge in these workshops is how to bring out each one’s unique glance.
Click on each participant’s name to view the portfolio full-screen.
Maria Marin, Spain
The workshop with Nikos was a great experience. Nikos is an incredible generous educator, encouraging and inspiring. His dedication and passion for photography is contagious and inspiring and it has stuck with me. I enjoyed the workshop and felt that I learned a great deal. I would recommend it to everybody!
Mehri Jamshidi, Iran
Aisling Murray, Ireland-USA
Fernando Rituerto Pineiro, Spain
Nikos Tsitsos, Greece
Korina Gialidou, Greece
Nikos Economopoulos is a unique and authentic photographer and an inspired teacher.
He doesn’t only speak about the importance of the background, the proper light in photography, and the way to make a good composition, he puts his views of life across in meetings, and speaks about the importance of freedom in everyday life.
He guides you along the photography to your inner self, and tries to reveal the most important elements of your personality.
In simple words it’s not only a workshop in photography, it is a workshop how to make your life more inspired by keeping the most important things and put them onto your frame.
Graciela Magnoni, Uruguay
Julia Cooke-Forsman, UK
For three days I spent a few hours shooting alone and then met up with Nikos and the other participants to go through all the pictures. This took four or five hours each day. I learnt so much by listening to Nikos critique us all. He is truly a person with great generosity and a big, open heart (as well as being an incredible photographer). He removed the terror of showing my attempts (however unsuccessful) and helped me find a new way of thinking about photographing on the street.
Jan Gott, Austria
Graciela Magnoni, Uruguay
Jan Gott, Austria
The “Balkan expedition” trip didn’t changed my photography so much after 8 workshops with Nikos – it’s going to change my life as a photographer..
Jan Gott, Austria
It’s my fifth workshop and I can’t imagine a better mentor for my work combined with a great journey and colleagues. Once your on the road with Nikos you stay on the road with Nikos..
Rose Vandepitte, Belgium
Lisa Gilby, Australia
Giorgos Zografidis, Greece
Jan Gott, Austria
Aurel Cepoi, Moldavia
Nikos, thank you for your patience and effort. It was a pleasure for me to work with a legendary photographer. Keep working and stay in shape. Humanity needs you.